台灣與帛琉互開「旅遊泡泡」 ! 學多益片語each other / one another
In a “travel bubble”, a set of countries agree to open their borders to each other, but keep borders to all other countries closed.
句中的each other是「互相、彼此」,它是多益測驗的高頻片語,而它亦可以用片語one another來代換。以前的英文文法說「each other用於兩者,而one another用於三者或三者以上」,但現今都已互通使用。例句:
The two customers are seated across from each other.
多益測驗在「互相、彼此」上,除了有each other與one another兩個片語之外,亦常出現副詞mutually。例句:
The two companies promise to be mutually beneficial.
Mr. Smith and Ms. White, the joint winners of the Pulitzer Prize, have been familiar with ____ since they were coworkers in Tokyo.
(A) each other
(B) any other
(C) another one
(D) other one
正確答案為(A)。全句句意為「Smith先生與White女士這兩位Pulitzer獎的共同得獎人,從他們在東京共事時,就彼此熟識。」選項(A)的each other為前文的「互相、彼此」。選項(C)的another one常被同學誤認為「互相、彼此」的另一個片語one another而誤選。
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