
Japanese women lose fight to keep their surnames



五名日本女性日前上訴最高法院,希望法律鬆綁對於冠夫姓的限制,以保障已婚女性或離婚女性繼續保有婚前姓氏。但日本最高法院星期三宣布,已婚夫妻必須繼續使用同一姓氏,也就是必須維持妻子冠夫姓的慣例。起訴人之Kyoko Tsukamoto女士表示,當聽到宣判結果時感到非常難過,因為姓名代表自己職場身分認同




Japan's Supreme Court said Wednesday that married couples must continue to use only one surname, rejecting a lawsuit filed by five plaintiffs who wanted to make it easier for women to keep their maiden names.


The 19th century law affirmed by the court doesn't specify which spouse should change their surname, but an overwhelming majority of women take their husband's.

1. surname(n.)

2. plaintiff(n.)起訴人(原告ó defendant: (n.)被告

3. maiden name婚前姓

4. affirm(v.)確立、證實

5. specify(v.)具體指出

6. spouse(n.)配偶

7. overwhelming(adj.)壓倒性的

Many women, gender equality experts, and even a UN committee have said these laws are discriminatory and outdated.

The role of women in Japanese society is moving up the political and economic agenda. Unless the country finds ways of attracting more women into the workforce, it will struggle to emerge from economic stagnation. Government efforts to do so thus far have largely failed, due to deeply rootedcultural issues.

8. committee(n.)委員會

9. discriminatory(adj.)歧視的

10. outdated(adj)過時的

11. agenda(n.)應辦事項

12. stagnation: (n.)停滯

13. deeply rooted: (adj.)根深蒂固的


Japan is the only major developed country that prevents couples with different surnames fromregistering their marriage.


For Japan's working women, "it is really cumbersome that you already have established your own position in a corporation -- then suddenly because you get married, you have to change your name," Osawa said.


There is plenty of room for improvement: roughly 65% of Japan's women are working, which is one of the lowest rates among developed nations.

14. prevent from:阻止..

15. cumbersome: (adj.)累贅的、有負擔的

16. room: (n.)空間


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