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US details financial war against ISIS
…“A top U.S. Treasury Department official provided details Thursday about the large-scale, behind-the-scenes efforts to stop the flow of money to ISIS.
The Treasury's acting under secretary, Adam Szubin, gave a rare speech in London describing how the U.S. is coordinating with other countries to stop ISIS from amassing more money or spending it.”
1. Treasury Department: 財政部
2. large-scale: (adj.)大規模的
3. flow of money: 金流
4. coordinate with…: 與….合作
5. amass: (v.)聚集、蒐集
…“The U.S. has also introduced sanctions against more than 30 ISIS-linked senior leaders and financiers to cut off the group's access to international financial channels.
And it's working to seal national borders to make it more difficult for ISIS to make cross-border transactions and place money with financial institutions. Closing Turkey's border to ISIS money is particularly important, Szubin said.”
6. sanction: (n.)制裁
7. access to…: 得以進入… (channel:途徑)
8. seal: (v.)封閉
9. national border: 國界
10. transaction: (n.)交易
…“ISIS is by far the wealthiest terrorist organization on the planet. In addition to the $1 billion in banking funds it plundered last year, it generated another $1 billion in 2014 through oil operations, taxes and kidnappings, among other things.
The Treasury is working with a coalition of more than 30 countries and organizations to disrupt ISIS financing.”
11. by far: 顯然地
12. plunder: (v.)掠奪
13. oil operation: 煉油業
14. kidnapping: (n.)綁架
15. coalition: (n.)聯合
中文解說: Sophia
Source : http://money.cnn.com/…/us-isis-banks-finance-mo…/index.html…