別說小編沒告訴你~ 要能成功體驗大學新生活,
多益易混淆單字 - 差一個字母就不一樣!
adapt / adopt
◎ adapt (v.) 適應
I must adapt to this new environment.
◎ adopt (v.) 領養
Are you going to adopt the puppy? |
advice / advise
◎ advice (n.) 建議
Please give me some advice.
◎ advise (v.) 建議
I advise you to not make another step. |
vary / very
◎ vary (v.) 多樣、各不相同
My taste in music varies from different types.
◎ very (adj.) 非常
I’m very confused about this situation. |
多益易混淆單字 - 多一個字母就不一樣!
desert / dessert
◎ desert (n.) 沙漠
It’s dry in the desert.
◎ dessert (n.) 舔點
Stella had dessert after dinner. |
human / humane
◎ human (n.) 人類
Lisa is an alien, not a human.
◎ humane (adj.) 人性
Please be humane when dealing with this matter. |
loose / lose
◎ loose (adj.) 鬆的
My pants have gotten loose after losing weight.
◎ lose (v.) 失去
Whether we win or lose, we should do give it our best. |
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>> 點我免費預約試聽 <<
多益易混淆單字 - 我們就是不一樣!
accept / except
◎ accept (v.) 接受
You have to accept it.
◎ except (pp.) 除了
I understand, except for question 3. |
personal / personnel
◎ personal (adj.) 個人的、私人的
These are my personal notes.
◎ personnel (n.) 人事
Please contact personnel with your matters. |
quiet / quite
◎ quiet (adj.) 安靜的
Please be quiet when entering the library.
◎ quite (adv.) 相當
That was quite a show. |
sense / since
◎ sense (n.) 感覺
I have a sense that we are not welcomed.
◎ since (pp.) 自從
Since we finished the project, let’s enjoy our weekend. |
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- 聽力破題觀念建立
- 神抓5W1H問句
- 字彙文法閱讀邏輯
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多益題庫班 |
- 聽力24秒快速辨題
- 單字文法10秒解題
- 重點式快速閱讀破題
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多益說寫班 |
- 口說必勝31句型
- 寫作高分22模板
- 滿分破題11原則
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