
Big Mac with a side of quinoa? Inside the world's first McDonald's Next


 2015年經歷第一季的虧損與來客量下降之後,速食業龍頭麥當勞決定選擇香港的一家分店作為實驗基地,打造全新概念的旗艦店McDonalds Next,踏出傳統速食業者轉型的第一步。

 McDonalds Next,從點餐到用餐都有與以往不同的體驗。為了配合現代人更強調養生、均衡的飲食習慣,增加大型沙拉吧,提供客人客製化漢堡與沙拉的新選擇,顧客只需用觸控式機點餐即可;餐點部分,顧客能夠點原本的漢堡薯條,搭配一份客製化沙拉作為附餐,沙拉吧的食材甚至有近年風行歐美的麥可供選擇;室內裝潢與燈光也特別不同於以往單調的紅黃色,時尚的燈光配合裝潢,走的是時尚的都會金屬風;McDonalds Next在晚上六點以後,也提供咖啡或餐點送到桌服務。不過麥當勞官方尚未表明McDonalds Next是否未來會推廣到其他地區。點擊新聞連結可看到CNN網頁上的McDonalds Next店內照片,是否跟我們認知的速食餐廳很不一樣呢?至於麥當勞能否藉由McDonalds Next翻轉去年虧損連連的窘境,就要看顧客買不買單了!


In December, McDonald's transformed one of its Hong Kong branches into the world's first McDonald's Next -- an evolved version of the brand that strives to be "modern and progressive.

 1. transforminto: 轉型

(此處McDonald's transformedhas transformed的縮寫)

2. evolved: (adj.)進化的

3. strives: (v.)努力成為.奮鬥.

4. progressive: (v.)進步的


In their place a sleek black-and-white logo, ambientlighting, glass and metallic interiors and... a salad bar.

The unlikely offering is filled with 19 ingredients including "two choices of salad base greens, two kinds of cheese, three flavors of sauces" and -- of course -- quinoa.

Additionally, McDonald's Next is trying to elevate the overall fast food experience with table service after 6 p.m. and premium coffee blends.

The branch, located in the city's Admiralty neighborhood, has also been fitted out with mobile phone charging platforms, free Wi-Fi and self-ordering kiosks.


5sleek: (adj.)時髦的

6ambient: (adj.)氣氛佳的

7metallic: (adj.)金屬的

8interior: (n.)內部(裝潢)

9. ingredient: (n.)食材

10. quinoa: (n.)發音為quin(kin)-oa(wa)藜麥,風行歐美的穀物食品

11. premium: (adj.)優質而價格較高的

12. fit out with: 配備.

13. charging platform: 充電座

14. kiosk: kiosk土耳其語引伸而來,原本是指路邊無人看管的書報攤或售票亭,後來 kiosk成為門市、廣場等導覽及導購的機台代稱,例如ibon機台、觸控式數位資訊站或導系統皆屬於kiosk的應用此處的kiosk是指麥當勞的自動點餐機


…”McDonald's Next still has the regular menu and also offers the brand's new Create Your Taste (CYT) concept, which allows visitors to customize their burgers via touch screen.

15. concept: (n.)概念

16. allowto: 使得以

17. customize: (v.)客製化

18. via: 經由


…”Why would McDonald's shift its decades-old, tried and tested methods?

Because the old business model is failing.

In May last year, McDonald's announced its major turnaround plan after both revenues and guest traffic fell around the world.

19. shift: (n.)改變

20. announce: (v.)宣布

21. revenue: (n.)年營收

22. guest traffic: 來客量




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