Would You Eat Food from Fukushima?
…Thousands of delegates from around the worldgathered this month in northeast Japan for a UnitedNations conference on disaster relief. Four years ago, the area was hit by a tsunami that caused damage to the Fukushima nuclear power center.
1. delegate: (n.)代表人/團
2. relief: (n.)緩和、恢復
…During the conference, local officials transported some of the delegates throughout Fukushima to show them how it is recovering. Officials also told the delegatesthat food from the area is safe.
3. transport: (v.)運送、載運
4. recover: (v.)恢復
…Until the nuclear accident in 2011, the Fukushima areawas well-known and respected in Japan for the food its farmers grew and the seafood its fishermen caught. But since the disaster, many people think of Fukushima only as a place that suffers from nuclear contamination.
5. nuclear contamination: 核汙染
…At the Fukushima Agricultural Technology Center, workers put fish, chickenand vegetables in radiation detectors made in the United States. All food from the area is tested for radiation. Officials say Japanese safety standards areten times stricter for levels of radioactive cesium than American or European standards.
6. Agricultural : (adj.)農業的
7. detector: (n.)偵測器
8. radiation: (n.)輻射線
9. standard: (n.)標準
10. radioactive: (adj.)放射性的
11. cesium: (n.)銫
…Independent monitoring from environmental groups has shown that some areas of the city have high radiation levels. But there has been no evidence that there is radiation in the area’s crops and fish.
12. monitoring: (n.)監控
13. evidence: (n.)證據
14. crops: (n.)農作物