
號稱座位數史上最多: 雙層設計、總數615個座位、15間盥洗室外加豪華衛浴設備,說它是一座會飛的小鎮也不為過! 據報將在12月開始往返杜拜-哥本哈根航線。另外阿聯酋航空官方也表示,A380加強版的容量與品質,未來也會因應旅客需求向上調整。


…“The biggest airliner in the world just got more seats than ever before. Over the weekend, Emirates airline unveiled a new Airbus A380 outfitted with 615 seats.”


1. unveil : (v.)發表、揭露
2. outfitted.. with.. : 配置/裝載….


“In fact, assuming the 2010 Census is accurate, this plane actually has enough seats to fly the entire population of Circle, Montana.

For those who don't follow the industry, the A380 is basically a flying building.

It's the monster truck of airliners, with four engines and two floors of seats.

The 615-seater is expected to begin flying a route between Dubai and Copenhagen in December, The National reports.”

3. assuming…(that)… : 假使…

4. Census : (n.)人口調查數據

5. accurate : (adj.)精準的

6. population : (n.)人口

7. …is expected to… : 被期望….


…“Adding 11-abreast seating in the economy section of the main deck would increase the A380-800 capacity by an additional 35 to 40 seats.

Will Emirates and other A380 operators resort to that option?

Much depends on demand from the flying public.”

8. abreast seating : 並排座位

9. economy section: 經濟艙

(business section 商務艙/ first-class section頭等艙)

10. deck : (n.)一層

11. capacity : (n.)容量

12. …resort to…: 著重於…




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