最近有許多學生反應在表達某些事物很「值得」的時候,英文裡有三個很相像的字,其使用方法常令人容易搞混, 究竟”worth” “worthy””worthwhile” 的差異在哪裡呢


  • worth: 可譯為「有…的價值」或「值得…的」,用法be worth N. / Ving.

例句:The second-hand scooter is worth $10,000 at the most.

The museum is worth a visit / visiting.


  • worthy: 可表達「值得…的」、「有價值的」及「值得尊敬的」,用法為be worthy of N /Ving.

例句:This article is worthy of more public attention.

        This young man’s behavior is worthy of great praise.


  • worthwhile: 常用來表示某件事情很值得花時間或金錢去做,可譯為「值得做的」或是「有意義的」。用法為 It is worthwhile to V / Ving.

例句:It is worthwhile to visit the Eiffel tower when you’re in Paris.

        It is worthwhile for the teenagers to participate the event.




Question: The teachers of this school are ___________ of our deepest respect.


(A) worthy

(B) worth

(C) worthwhile

(D) worthless


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