
最近有許多學生在形容某些事情或是人很「聰明」的時候,都常用”smart”這個字,但英文裡還有許多相近意思的字,其中包括了”intelligent”, ”brilliant”,”wise” 及 ”cunning”,究竟這幾個字的差異在哪裡呢?


Smart: 最常使用的字,可用來形容某些方法、方式或是稱讚某人聰明。

例句: Angela is such a smart person and always makes correct decisions.

The boy was so smart that he finished the puzzle in 5 minutes.


Intelligent: 稍微正式一點的用字,意思為「非常聰明」。

例句: He is so intelligent that he always keeps ahead of his competitors.

She’s a hard working person but she’s not very intelligent.


Brilliant: 常被用來形容事情或是人「極度聰明」的意思。除了表示聰明以外,也


例句: People respect him because of his brilliant mind.

He’s father is a brilliant artist.


Wise: 指「有智慧的」,通常是透過經驗或是知識的累積而得來的。

例句: It’s wise to bring an umbrella with you during the monsoon season.

It’s not wise to put everything you have to invest one corporation.


Cunning: 常用來形容人因為太聰明,做事反而變得很「狡猾」的意思。

例句: Johnny is a cunning child. He always succeeds in cheating his parents.

Everyone in his class is afraid of talking to him because of his cunning smile and the words he says.



Andrew is a ________ child. He always succeeds in cheating his parents.

( A ) cunning

( B ) smart

( C ) wise

( D ) intelligent






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