

Qatar Airways may launch world's longest flight


   今天來分享的是關於一則航空界的新聞。所謂「世界最長航線的頭銜,是各家航空公司競相廣告的目標,因為各公司間不斷積極競爭,航線的時間、長度等紀錄也是隔幾年不斷刷新。上個星期,卡達航空總裁Akbar Al Baker於巴林航空展中,公開說明公司想打造新的世界最長航線計畫,不過,官方尚未表明何時這條路線會開始營運





whopping 18½-hour journey between Doha, Qatar, and Auckland, New Zealand, is poised tobecome the world's longest direct flight if Qatar Airways follows through with plans for the new route.

1. whopping: (adj.)極大/久的、震撼的

2. be poised to…: 蓄勢待發、準備好

3. direct flight直達班機



Currently, the world's longest flight is operated by Qantas between Dallas-Fort Worth and Sydney, according to statistics portal

At 16 hours and 55 minutes (8,577 miles/13,804 km), the Qantas flight's duration falls short of Qatar's proposedDoha-Auckland route (9,034 miles/14,539 km) by more than an hour-and-a-half.

4. operate: (v.)操作

5. statistics: (n.)統計數字

6. portal : (n.)入口網

7. fall short of…: 未達到

8. proposed: (adj.) 被提出的



Setting records for flight distance or duration is a moving target. Emirates Airline is set to eclipse current frontrunner Qantas in the spring, when it launches a route from Dubai to Panama City, Panama, that would last 17 hours and 35 minutes.

And Singapore Airlines, which held the record for the longest nonstop flight until 2013, has considered taking the title back with possible resumption of its nearly 19-hour flights between New York and Singapore.

9. duration(n.)(時間的)期間

10. is set to..: 準備好要

11. eclipse原意為日/月蝕,此處當(v.)表示吃掉勝過”(取代後者)

12. current: (adj.)目前的

13. frontrunner: (n.)領先者

14. launch: (v.)啟動、開啟

15. title: (n.)頭銜

16. resumption: (n.)(被中斷後)重新開始、重新回到..



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