【英文單字教學】花費的英文單字charge, cost, fee, fare用法解析


本週要跟大家分享的是費用的正確用法,英文能表示費用的字有fee, cost, farecharge,這幾個字常常令我們的學生困擾,那麼他們得差別在哪裡呢?


Cost: 指某樣東西或是某個計畫的成本。

例句:The cost of building a new branch in Australia is really high.

Our manager thinks we need to cut down the cost of the project. 



例句:Have you paid the entrance fee yet?

My brother paid his license fee last month.


Fare: 指車、船及機票費。

例句:People usually don't consider taking a taxi while traveling because the taxi fare is expensive.

The air fare of the airline we choose is quite cheap.


Charge:指收費的意思,但也與名詞合用指某些特定的費用,如:手續費handling charge。

例句:If you want to do the massage at the hotel, the charge is around $2000 dollars.

It's free of charge to use the facilities at this fitness center.








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